Facilitator: Keith Tsang
Language: Cantonese
Fee: $60
Please register before the event.
This time Photobook Corner invited Keith Tsang to share with us how the spiritual world of contemporary artists demonstrates deep environmental practices through visual art books.
Rheingold, Howard, (1994). The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog. NY: Point Foundation.
De Domizio Durini, Lucrezia, (1990). Joseph Beuys: The Art of Cooking. Milan: Charta.
De Domizio Durini, Lucrezia, (1996). Joseph Beuys: Difesa della Natura. Milan: Charta.
Kuoni, Carin, (1990). Energy Plan for the Western Man: Joseph Beuys in America. NY: Four Walls Eight Windows.
Tisdall, Caroline, (1998). Joseph Beuys: We Go This Way. London: Violette.
Gulstrom, Beatrice, (2014). Anselm Kiefer. London: Royal Academy of Arts.
Tsang, Tak Ping, (2012). The Phantom of Consumerism. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations.
Tsang, Tak Ping,(2013)。亂世善行 ‧ 心隨境轉。Hong Kong:MCCM Creations。
Tsang, Tak Ping,(2014)。工巧無記 ‧ 離我我所。Hong Kong:MCCM Creations。
Tsang, Tak Ping(2016)。應物象形 ‧四大皆空。Hong Kong:MCCM Creations。
A mindful practitioner born in Hong Kong. Tsang spent his whole life in creative education by means of visual arts, design, art and design criticism. Tsang exhibits widely, as artist, designer and curator, in Asia, Europe and North America, including Gwangju Biennale [Korea], Venice Biennale [Italy, 2003 and 2011]. Tsang had taught in School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, as Associate Professor.