No. 54, 1/F, Fu Lee Loy Shopping Centre
Witnessing major changes in my school following the pandemic, I underwent many sleepless nights, breaking down, and wondering how to position myself in this fast-changing world. The social meanings of “University” and “Hospital” have changed drastically over the past few years, and I have come to see that studying at university and working at the hospital are both about surviving within a system. In recording the transformations and daily happenings within these institutions from an insider’s perspective, I am discovering photography to be a soothing process for my melancholy, upon which I can hinge my tremendous emotions.
Dion LEUNG, a Hong Kong-based visual artist, mainly works with photography, videography, and collage. Leung explores the topics of rebellion and conflict, with realist tendencies. As a self-taught artist, much of her inspiration comes from everyday interaction. With an interest in history and politics, Leung deepens her understanding of the world through her practice and reminds herself that everything true is beautiful.