Artist Introduction: Yu Ho Yeung

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Yu Ho Yeung (@lambiseverywhere) graduated from the Baptist University’s School of Communication, majoring in Film. After working for many years at a fashion magazine, he is now a freelance photographer. His collaborations include notable publications such as Madame Figaro Hong Kong、Harper’s BAZAAR Hong Kong, Hashtag Legend, Grey, Sotheby’s, and Hungry Digital. In August 2023, he held a black-and-white photography exhibition titled White Echoes at Parallel Space.


“Eagle Hunters of the Altai Mountains”


Carema: FUJI GFX100 II

Lens: 32-64/f4, 110mm/f2




For centuries, the Kazakhs have inhabited the border regions of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China, living as nomadic peoples. Eagle hunting is a cherished tradition among them, where hunters capture young golden eagles in the wild to train at home. After approximately a year of training, these majestic birds are ready to hunt.


Eagle hunters primarily target medium-sized animals such as foxes and rabbits. After five to six years, the hunters typically release the eagles back into the wild, allowing them to return to their natural habitat.

There are only about 2-300 eagle hunters in the world today. The eagle hunting skills are often passed down through generations. However, the expectations of life between generations may differ. Perhaps after a few generations, the traditional eagle hunting culture will gradually become a performance rather than a way of life.


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