Artist Introduction: Wong Chi Lam

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Wong Chi Lam Once relied on the camera to be in the forefront, now wants to walk closer than the lens can reach. In 2022, she began exploring the practice of PhotoTherapy and is currently pursuing a master degree in art psychotherapy in the UK.

“20422 Kilometres”



Home appears as an ever-expanding and shifting circle.


In my childhood, the small black dot at the centre represented my entirety. As I stepped out along the continuously extending diameter, I began to incorporate various elements into my concept of ‘home’, scattering pieces of myself along the way. For me, Hong Kong is the centre; for outsiders, it is a new segment within the circumference. As these two circles begin to overlap and expand, do they become more whole, or does it become more difficult to traverse from one end to the other?




Each home-coming  signifies a farewell to another home, and wherever we pause, there are moments of waning. Home becomes the reason for our movement. On the journey of seeking home, we are like the children in the story of Hansel and Gretel—sometimes encountering the old stones we’ve scattered, other times discovering that the breadcrumbs we once left have been consumed by birds.


I thought I was healing him, only to realise that I, too, had lost something in the process.




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